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Theresapark Extension 38

City of Tshwane



Here are the upcoming load shedding events for {suburb}, a suburb of {provider}. This information has been derived from the {provider} official load shedding schedule.


The Stage in effect will be announced officially by Eskom, usually a day or so in advance. 

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5


Stage 6


Stage 7


Stage 8


What is stage Stage 1 load shedding?

 Stage 1 load shedding occurs typically 3 times every {every} days for 4 hours at a time in the {provider}. This would allow Eskom to shed up to 1000MW of load.


What is stage Stage 2 load shedding?

Stage 2 would be double the frequency of Stage 1 in order to reduce load by 2000 MW, thus your power would be off 6 times over {every} days for {duration} hours at a time in the {provider}.


What is stage Stage 3 load shedding?

 Stage 3 means another 3000 MW need to be shed,  which means lights off 9 times every {every} days for {duration} hours at a time in the {provider}.


What is stage Stage 4 load shedding?

 Stage 4 means another 4000 MW need to be shed,  which means lights off 12 times every {every} days for {duration} hours at a time in the {provider}.


What happens at stage 5-8 load shedding?

Stages 5-8 have provisional schedules that escalate in a way similar to stages 1-4, but here Eskom warns that you could experience load shedding outside of the predefined schedule as they would announce such stage only in dire and unplanned circumstances.



Please note that while we've tried to derive an accurate load shedding schedule for this area, we make no guarantees about the actual correctness of this schedule. Please see the {provider} website for the official schedule.  If you do find any issues, please do let us know and we'll endeavor to fix it as soon as possible?

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